Done with College

Took my final final exam of college…Relatives came over and I walked down the aisle and accepted my “diploma.” I’m now a college graduate. I got dreams of making it as a puppeteer somewhere and I intend of fulfilling my dream! FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS! That’s all I can say!

Christmas Time!

My body clock tells me that when December begins, so does the “Holiday Season.” I sort of started early when I had to record some new Christmas songs for my puppets that I’ve added to the Puppet Troupe after Christmas last year, but other than that, I will enjoy my Christmas music on my iPod and make my new holiday related videos from old songs I recorded in previous years, but haven’t had a chance to make yet and also new stuff I recorded just last week. I hope to make some good videos for these Holiday tracks. Please visit and check them out! Happy Holidays!